Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Best presents to give is...

a HARMONICA of course!

Yeah, I wasnt feeling well, but holidays are moments of joyz.So if I cannot be joyful at lease let me basked in some joyous moments. Thus I was in a family gathering and I brought cheap harmonicas for the kids-as young as 2 till age 12.In fact even their parents are intrigued.

I brought presents, u can see the joys in their faces.The kids are sincerely happy cos they had not learnt the world's deceitness yet.Such purity and glow of innocence.I had not even settled down,they swarmed me like beez and I was busy handing out the presents.No need to gift wrapped.Waste paper..

So they were stunned but happy to see the presents.I guess they are stunned cos unsure what to do with it.Harmonica had almost been extinct due to its unpopularity. And so I saw their empty looks and I took out my HOHNER and start blowing simple tunes like barney/this old man, twinkle2 little star,row2 ur boat and loads more.Even the adults at the living room came in to take a look when they heard the melody.Cos they were intrigued,they thought it sounded like some big bombastic instrument but never see me carry anything bulging or bulky.

Curiousity is killin 'em all....

The kids were excited when I showed them my tapered,crumpled lil notebook of the harp tabs. And some started copying the notes down. They wonder how come I can blow single notes whereas they blow in many notes at once.They try to emulate me and isolate the notes.I said take time, have patience,its not like I learnt this yesterday....

I felt kinda like a musician, i felt happy to spread the joys and happyness cheers around.It was more bubbly and happening when I arrived...Feeling unwell, I dont really feel the unwellness,in fact it was being covered by the happyness tunes, no matter how unruly it gets, i was like a conductor for massive harpists.It was cool!

When else will I get such opportunity,right?

My aunties and uncles were puzzled by my sudden interest in music. Cos I had always been interested but I did not show it cos I felt that music has to be made from gifted people.I was wrong, I wasnt confident enough. Now I learn that anyone can learnt music thus I felt inspired and its never too late to learn isnt it?

The Dummie book really touch upon Xmas songs as I proceed on, as if it can read my mind and understand my surroundings (hehe!) at this moment which is 24.12.09 in my country when the radios are all playing xmas cheers and songs (No,I dont celebrate Xmas, but i use it as a practice) .Hmm...

Happy holz, y'all!


p.s: ya know at the corner of my eye when the kids were busy with their newfound activity, some adults (age 40 and above) grab some of the harmonicas and actually blow on it,softly on their own personal agenda in one corner of the room,separately,individually...I make as though I did not see them cos they would have blushed if I did that and felt embarassed.Thus I just watched them quietly from the corner of my eyes as I was busy entertaining the kids...

I felt happy that I had uncovered some curiousity and fascination with the harmonicas and share it with my family.Blessed.. for that tiny spark of motivation!

Erm,some countries do not allow foreigners to busk, so take note:
youngest busker -

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