Friday, January 22, 2010


Today I played with no feelings
Kinda middle no linking
no interior winding
I played with no feelings

It started like this...
I was feeling happy crazy after a harp session practise...and I look to a friend and asked a random question?just for the fun of it ...and boy did I get just-for-the-no-fun-attitude kinda answer....

I asked: Do U think I can busk in the streets with the meagre skills that I have since I cannot find any teacher.Perhaps thru street playing, I can meet more people and learn and who knows, there might be a harp teacher....

answer-nonchahalant mood: I dunno , up to you...kinda like Areu-crazy-that-u-want-to-play this-toy thingy in the streets kinda blank look...

I was like..oh..ok...what a damper...thanks for the motivations.

Eversince that retorted answer tend to play back in circles in repetition without me even pressing the play button like...what's the used in practising when u are no where as good, no talent..nothing...

I tried to play but it did not go well, it has been bitten by the bile remarks. I should not let it go into my head..Im playing cos Im happy and I wanna to learn more right? So the more I should prove that person wrong that Harmonica can be serious..and that I am serious to learn about it....

Yeah, if we as adults are easily bitten by these negativity remarks, how about kids?They will be take note of your words, my friend.Use them wisely,once its out, no turning back..its like hitting nails on the fence.If u make a mistake, u need to take it out and cover it up with putty.No matter how expensive the putty is, it can never resume to its original non-holey fence,there will be some dentedness, off-colorations and many more...

So are words..we got to be careful with them, even though u dont feel like answering,always answer in positive motivations and with a dashing smile ! *smiling showing full set of white teeth... hee!

Ok,Im feeling a lil bit motivated..gonna practise now...

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